• Water Treatment Machine Purification System
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification System
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification System
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification System
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification System
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification System

Water Treatment Machine Purification System

The water treatment process is basically divided into three parts: pretreatment system, deep treatment system and terminal treatment system. Generally, pretreatment includes multi-media filters, activated carbon filter, softener, iron and manganese removal filter, ultra-filtration, micro-filtration.,etc. Deep treatment includes membrane treatment and ion exchange. Terminal treatment covers ozone, UV, etc.

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Brief Introduction

Water treatment purify system for mineral water, pure water and other water for food and beverage industry.It is mainly composedof the following equipment: pre-treatment system (water tank, multi-medium filter, active carbon filter, ion exchanger, millipore filter), membrane system (ultra filter, nanometer filter, RO system), electrodialysis device, sterilization system (UV&Ozone),pure water tank.,etc; The raw water can be ground water, sea water, tap water or other water source, we choose suitable purify system based on raw water analysis report.

The capacity usually from 1T up to 200T per hour. The process adopted for any set of water treatment system is depending on the quality of water resoureces and the purpose of water utilization. Any chosen process can basicaly be divided into three parts: pretreatment, advanced treatment, and terminal treatment. The pretreatment system is generally comprised of multi-media filters, active carbon filters, softener, Fe/Mn removal filters. Advanced treatment includes membrance processing and ionic exchange. The terminal treatment includes ozone, UV method, and mixed bed polisher EDI or CDI processing. The current water treatment system is mainly applicable to water supply for food and beverage production, fermentation and saccharification of beer, production of boiler feed, ultra pure water for electrical industry, and water for injection.

Industry Application
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification SystemIndustry application Mineral Water
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification SystemIndustry application Juice
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification SystemIndustry application Carbonated Beverage
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification SystemIndustry application Canned Drink
  • Water Treatment Machine Purification SystemIndustry application Wine
Water Treatment Machine Purification System

Product Introduction

Pretreatment system

Sand filter Also known as “Mechanical filter” or “Multi media filter” Composition: mainly composed of pressure vessel and Filter material composition. Particle size difference is laid in layers under pressure a filter bed is formed in the pressure vessel.

Activated carbon filter is composed the activated carbon filter is composed of pressure vessel and activated carbon filter material.

Softening filter is composed of ion exchange resin (multi sodium type), pressure vessel, salt tank and regeneration cleaning control mechanism.

Precision filter (or security filter) is composed of filter element (filter element with pore diameter ≤ 5 microns is recommended) and stainless steel pressure vessel.

Flocculant when the suspended solids content in the water source is high, adding a certain concentration of flocculant can further reduce the pollution index SDI. The mechanism is to destroy the electrical neutrality of colloid and make it flocculate and precipitate.

Antiscalant adding an appropriate amount of scale inhibitor into the RO inlet water can inhibit the scaling of minerals on the surface of reverse osmosis membrane (concentrated water side).

Deep treatment

The Reverse Osmosis device is an equipment to purify the saline water with the action of pressure difference of semi-permeable membrane. It is called reverse osmosis, as it is counter to natural penetration direction. Difference materials have different osmotic pressures.

The reverse osmosis can remove more than 97% of the soluble salt and above 99% of the colloid, microorganism, particles and organic materials, becoming the best first-choice choice equipment in the engineering of modern purified water, highly purified water and space water (super-purified water). The most highlighted features are low energy consumption, no pollution, simple technique, high-quality water and convenient operation and maintenance.

Terminal treatment

Ultraviolet disinfection nucleoproteins in microorganisms are denatured due to the absorption of broad-spectrum ultraviolet energy, causing metabolic disorders and loss of reproductive ability. When the irradiation dose increases to a certain amount, the microbial cells are destroyed and killed.

Ozone disinfection Ozone is a strong oxidant, and the sterilization process is a biochemical oxidation reaction.

Membrane Filtration System

Reverse Osmosis Equipment

RO is a technology of separating solutes and solvent from solution by the selection and interception of semi-permeable membranes under drive by pressure. This technology can be applied to water treatment process fo removal of contaminants, such as inorganic ions, bacteria viruses, organisms and colloids.

So far, RO is the most advanced, effective and energy- saving membrane separation technology in the world. It’s often used concurrently with front-end pretreatment system for easy operation, lower operating cost, non-pollution and easy maintenance and other advantages. Semi-permeable membrane plays the function of interception under the compression of high pressure pumps, and working effectively to remove the water contaminants such as solid solutes, organisms, colloids, microorganisms, bacteria etc. It’s wide range of application, active control, small area, low energy consumption, and high quality of output water.

Ultrafiltration Equipment

Ultrafiltration can intercept the macromolecular substances and impurities which are between 0.002 to 0.1 microns, ultrafiltration membranes allow the small molecular subtances and soluble total solids’ (inorganic salt) pass, while intercept the colloid, preteins, macromolecular organic matter, microorganism, and the operating pressure is general between 1-7 bar.

Nanofiltration Equipment

Nanofiltration is a new membrane filtration process, mostly used to deal with the lower total solids water, such as surface water and groundwater, and its purpose is to soften (remove the multi-mediated cations) and remove DBPs, such as natural organic matters and organic compounds.

In recent years, nanofiltrations are widely used in food processing, for instance the dairy processing and etc, which can reach the concentration standard and partially remove mineral deposits.

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