• Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor
  • Bottle Air Conveyor

Bottle Air Conveyor

Bottle conveying is a device that suspends the empty bottles blown out by the bottle blowing machine on the bottle hanging plate in turn, and conveys them from the bottle blowing machine to the filling machine under the wind force of the fan.

Tip : You can obtain the price for individual equipment as well as solutions for the entire production line

Brief Introduction

Bottle conveying is a device that suspends the empty bottles blown out by the bottle blowing machine on the bottle hanging plate in turn, and conveys them from the bottle blowing machine to the filling machine under the wind force of the fan.

Industry Application
  • Bottle Air ConveyorIndustry application Mineral Water
  • Bottle Air ConveyorIndustry application Juice
  • Bottle Air ConveyorIndustry application Carbonated Beverage
  • Bottle Air ConveyorIndustry application Canned Drink
  • Bottle Air ConveyorIndustry application Wine
Bottle Air Conveyor


  1. High accuracy
  2. High productive
  3. Easy to operate
  4. Long warranty
  5. Long service life

Product Features

1.Except support arm etc. which are made of plastic or rilsan material, other parts are made of SUS AISI304.

2.Air blower is settled with air filter to prevent dust coming into the bottle.

3.There is an adjustable joint settled in air conveyor. Do not have to adjust the height of unscrambler and air conveyor to meet the demand of different bottle, only adjust the height of bottle inlet.

4.There is a block bottle clear device driven by cylinder. When bottle block in the inlet, it clear the bottle automatic.

Our Factory
Bottle Air ConveyorFactory
Bottle Air ConveyorFactory
Bottle Air ConveyorFactory
Bottle Air ConveyorFactory
Bottle Air ConveyorFactory

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