What is the difference between a BOPP labeling machine and an OPP labeling machine?

The BOPP labeling machine and OPP labeling machine actually refer to the same type of labeling machine, both used for applying BOPP labels. BOPP stands for Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene, a commonly used plastic film material.

The existence of two names is because some people refer to BOPP film as OPP film. These two terms are essentially equivalent, with the preference for one term over the other varying by region and industry.

In some countries and regions, people commonly refer to BOPP film as OPP film, so the labeling machines there are called OPP labeling machines. For example, in the United States, OPP labeling machine is more commonly used.

In other countries and regions, people refer to BOPP film as BOPP film, so the labeling machines there are called BOPP labeling machines. For example, in China, BOPP labeling machine is more common.

Therefore, the BOPP labeling machine and OPP labeling machine are actually the same type of labeling machine, with the difference being merely in the terminology used.

TAG:  BOPP labeling machine  Bottle labeling machine  OPP labeling machine

release time                        
Update:May, 29 /2024
Author:HZM Machinery

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