What is a sleeve labeling machine? How does it work?

What is a sleeve labeling machine? What is it used for?

 What is a sleeve labeling machine? How does it work?

In fact, the function of the sleeve labeling machine and the labeling machine is the same. They are both machines used to fix the label, but the difference from the labeling machine is that the sleeve labeling machine is a sleeve label, and the labeling machine is used for labeling. Some people may I will ask why the label of the sleeve labeling machine is put on. In fact, it is because there are many kinds of labels and different customer requirements, so some products need to use the sleeve labeling machine, so what products need to use the labeling machine? For example, ink bottles, cosmetics, cotton swab boxes, etc. need to use a sleeve labeling machine. The sleeve labeling machine cuts a roll of labels into the same length and then puts them on the product. The label is cylindrical with a hollow in the middle. After the sleeve is placed on the product, it enters the shrinking furnace, and a finished product comes out after shrinking.

After understanding what the sleeve labeling machine is, let's talk about the working principle of the sleeve labeling machine? How is it different from the working principle of the labeling machine? The answers are all below.

One of the most important parts of the sleeve labeling machine is the center column, the label is sleeved on the center column, the product flows through the conveyor line, the sensor detects the product passing, and sends a signal back to the sleeve labeling control system. The knife cuts the label, then the label falls on the product, the product passes through the shrink oven, and a finished product with the label set is completed.

TAG:  Sleeve Labeling Machines

release time                        
Update:Jun, 02 /2023
Author:HZM Machinery
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