Analysis of Reasons for Inaccurate Counting of Flowmeter in Edible Oil Filling Machine

As an important equipment in the food processing production line, the accuracy of the edible oil filling machine directly affects the quality of the product and production efficiency. The flowmeter, as the core component of the edible oil filling machine, is responsible for controlling the metering and filling of materials. However, sometimes we find that the counting of the flowmeter is not accurate. So, what are the reasons for this situation?

 Edible Oil Filling Machine

First of all, we need to understand the basic structure of the edible oil filling machine. Generally, the edible oil filling machine consists of gear pumps, flowmeters, frequency converters, and other components. The gear pump is responsible for extracting and ejecting the material, the flowmeter controls the metering of the filling, and the frequency converter adjusts the filling speed to achieve dual-speed filling, which is fast first and then slow.

When troubleshooting the problem of inaccurate counting of the flowmeter, we can start from the following aspects:

  1. Check the working state of the gear pump. Since the gear pump is responsible for extracting and ejecting the material, if the pump works normally and can smoothly eject the material, we can initially rule out the pump as the problem.

  2. Check the working state of the frequency converter. The frequency converter is a key component for controlling the filling speed. We can observe the buffering time of the filling machine during the working process and whether the filling speed changes according to the set adjustment to determine whether the frequency converter has a fault. If the frequency converter works normally, we can rule out its influence on the inaccurate counting of the flowmeter.

  3. Check the flowmeter itself. Based on understanding the working principle of the flowmeter, we can conduct experiments to test its working state. First, we can fill several buckets of oil and then use a weighing tool to measure each bucket. If the measurement results meet the expected filling effect, but the counting of the flowmeter is incorrect, it is likely a problem with the flowmeter itself, and we can consider replacing it.

  4. Check the flowmeter settings and pipelines. If the measurement results do not meet the expected filling effect, we need to further inspect the entire flowmeter settings and whether there are blockages in the pipelines. Blocked pipelines may cause the material to flow poorly, thereby affecting the accuracy of the flowmeter's counting.

In summary, the reasons for inaccurate counting of the flowmeter in the edible oil filling machine may involve multiple aspects, including gear pumps, frequency converters, the flowmeter itself, and pipeline settings. When troubleshooting, we need to inspect these components and settings one by one, identify the problem, and resolve it promptly to ensure the normal operation of the edible oil filling machine and the stability of product quality.

TAG:  Edible Oil Filling Machine  Oil Filling Machine

release time                        
Update:Mar, 30 /2024
Author:HZM Machinery

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